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Candace Willrich is an innovator and a thought leader in the field of management, strategy, and technology. She spent the early years of her career consulting for Comshare Inc., a Michigan-based decision support company, where she was named North American Consultant of the Year. Candace Willrich holds a Mathematics degree and a MBA, both from The University of Texas at Austin. She is currently authoring several books on Christianity, business management, strategy, innovation, and analysis. She enjoys worship and giving to those in need. This author loves singing, dancing, theatre, and racquetball.  


CANDACE WILLRICH, a publishing company

2017 - Present


Author, owner of 25 copyrights


Responsible for full operations of publishing company – development, sales & marketing




Willrich Mathematics Series

Grade 1 Addition: Practice Guide I, 2021

Grade 1 Addition: Practice Guide II, 2021

Grade 1 Subtraction: Practice Guide, 2022

Grade 3 Multiplication: Practice Guide, 2024

Grade 3 Division: Practice Guide, 2024

Preschoolers: Fun in Math, 2024, Coloring


Hear God Series

Hear God:  Connect to your Spiritual Repository, 2021,

  nonfiction, Christian methodology included

Faith Echoes: A Poetry Collection, 2021, poetry

Spiritual Dialogue: Between a Christian and a Devil, 2022,


Coefficiency with your Christianity, 2019, poetry,

  Christian methodology included

Hear God: 52-Week Journal, 2023

31-Day Spiritual Journey, 2022


Children's Series

Algeria Gives Because of Jesus: A Christmas Story, 2022

Algeria Learns Sports, 2023

Algeria Wakes a Friend on Easter, 2023

Algeria Learns Biblical Principles, 2023

Learning Bible Terms, 2024, Coloring



Antonym Strains for Covid-19: Maximizing Innovation

  Drivers, 2021, nonfiction

Colored Poetry: from a Black Woman, 2021,



Human Trafficking Series

I Stood as a Poet: Overcoming Human Trafficking Abuse,

  2022, poetry

Human Trafficking Flares: Cries for Help, 2022,
